Courses Currently Available On Demand
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LCvista On Demand Courses
- Recognize changes to financial reporting effective in 2024
- Recall changes to the conceptual framework
- Identify the requirements for lease modification accounting
- Identify changes to the requirements for group audits
- Recall the impact of quality management on A&A practices
- Recall ASUs impacting small businesses
- Identify reporting options for small entities other than GAAP
- Recognize the changes to quality required of small firms
- Recall the elements of the IAASB's LCE standard
- Identify the financial reporting impact of modification of lease contracts
- Recall the impact of interpretations issued by PEEC
- Identify changes to the independence standards
- Recall the impact of interpretations issued by PEEC
- Identify changes to the independence standards
- Identify changes to Single Audits as a result of the 2024 Compliance Supplement
- Identify the changes to Chapter 5 of Yellow Book
- Recall the independence requirements in Yellow Book
- Recognize common Yellow Book deficiencies
- Recall the independence, CPE, and reporting requirements in Yellow Book
- Recognize changes to the Uniform Guidance
- Recall common deficiencies found in Single Audits
- Recall the impact of GASB 100 and 101 on financial reporting for governments
- Recall the impact of standards effective in 2024
- Recall the impact of ASUs on nonprofit organizations
- Recall the activities of the Nonprofit Advisory Committee
- Identify the financial reporting impact of modification of lease contracts
- Identify common deficiencies in nonprofit accounting
- Recall the proper accounting agency transactions and functional expenses
- Recall the impact of ASUs on nonprofit organizations
- Recall the activities of the Nonprofit Advisory Committee
- Identify the financial reporting impact of modification of lease contracts
- Identify common deficiencies in nonprofit accounting
- Recall proper accounting for agency transactions and functional expenses
- Recall the impact of ASUs on nonprofit organizations
- Recognize the activities of the Nonprofit Advisory Committee (NAC)
- Identify changes to single audits as a result of the 2024 Compliance Supplement
- Recognize changes to the Uniform Guidance
- Identify the proper method of identifying and testing internal controls over compliance
- Recall common deficiencies found related to Single Audits
- Identify the changes to Chapter 5 of Yellow Book
- Recognize common Yellow Book deficiencies
- Recall the independence, CPE, and reporting requirements in Yellow Book
- Identify when a procedure requires sampling
- Recall key elements of a sampling plan
- Recognize proper application of AU-C 530 for tests of details
- Perform MUS sampling
- Identify the proper application of AU-C 530 for internal controls
- Recall the requirements for sampling for Single Audits
- Identify types of engagements CPAs can perform on ESG related items
- Recognize current projects of accounting standard setters
- Recall the impact of recent standard setting by the FASB on digital assets
- Recall audit considerations for cryptocurrencies
- Recall common fraud schemesIdentify preventative measures to deter fraud
- Recognize recent frauds in the news
- Recall the data from the 2024 Report to the Nation
- Identify the responsibility of the auditor with respect to fraud
- Recall safeguards that can be used to reduce threats to an acceptable level
- Identify threats to independence
- Recall the purpose of a walkthrough
- Perform proper procedures while conducting a walkthrough
- Identify red flags that may arise while performing walkthrough procedures
- Identify common deficiencies in Yellow Book Engagements
- Recall the independence requirements in Yellow Book
- Identify common single audit deficiencies
- Recall common deficiencies found related to COVID-19 funding
- Identify common audit deficiencies
- Identify proper methods of performing risk assessment and analytical procedures
- Recall best practices for audit sampling and group audits
- Recognize changes to auditing standards for group audits and risk assessment
- Recall the components of quality management under SQMS 1
- Recognize the objective of an engagement quality review under SQMS 2
- Identify the specific responsibilities of the auditor regarding quality management under SAS 146
- Recall the responsibilities of the engagement partner in SSARS engagements
- Identify changes to independence rules in the 2018 Yellow Book
- Recognize the ethical principles in GAGAS
- Recall the requirements of independence from the Code of Professional Conduct
- Identify types of controls
- Recall information on control best practices
- Recall the five components of internal controls
- List the benefits of internal control frameworks
- Recognize the reasons for the COSO 2013 Update
- Identify the five components of COSO
- Recognize examples of control activities
- Recall the limitations of internal controls
- Recognize best practices in documenting internal controls over compliance in conformity with the Uniform Guidance
- Identify differences between ICFR and ICOC
- Recognize noncompliance with ethical standards during engagements
- Recall the five fundamental principles of ethics for professional accountants
- Recall the requirements of governmental financial reporting
- Identify organizations that follow governmental financial reporting standards
- Recognize why governmental entities require different financial reporting requirements than for-profit and non-profit nongovernmental entities
- Identify definitions of key governmental terms
- Recall the unique accounting principles and transactions applicable to NFP organizations
- Identify the basic financial statements of nonprofit organizations
- Recall the accounting for contributions
- Identify net asset classifications for nonprofit organizations
- Recall the unique auditing requirements in the Uniform Guidance
- Recognize the requirements of major program determination
- Identify when a single audit is required
- Recognize the unique auditing requirements in the Yellow Book
- Recognize the independence requirements for Yellow Book engagements
- Identify the CPE requirements for Yellow Book engagements
- Recall the reporting requirements of Yellow Book
- Recall the optional expedients for entities as a result of reference rate reform
- Recognize the audit risk model
- Perform risk assessment procedures compliant with the audit standards
- Identify changes to AU-C 315
- Recognize key components of the new risk assessment standard
- Define a lease under the new leases standard
- Apply recognition and measurement requirements of the new leases standard
- Recognize the presentation and disclosure requirements of the new leases standar
- Prepare journal entries necessary to account for leases as both a lessee and lessor
- Recall the impact of GASB 100 and 101 on financial reporting for governments
- Recall the impact of GASB standards effective in 2024
- Recognize the changes to Chapter 5 of Yellow Book
- Identify changes to Single Audits as a result of the 2024 Compliance Supplement Recognize the changes to Uniform Guidance
- Recall changes to risk assessment requirements
- Identify the impact of SAS 145 on audit methodology
- Identify the potential impact of the SQMS standards on firms
- Recognize common audit deficiencies
- Recall the core elements of quality management
- Recall the changes to group audits
- Recognize the impact of the major projects of the ASB
- Identify the impact of ASUs that are effective in 2024 on financial reporting
- Recall changes to the conceptual framework
- Recognize the impact of the lease modification on financial reporting
- Identify FASB ASUs that will be effective after 2024
- Recognize the potential impact of key projects on the FASB agenda
- Recall the impact of GASB 100 and 101 on financial reporting for governments
- Recall the impact of standards effective in 2024
- Recall major projects of the GASB
- Identify GASB standards effective after 2024
- Identify changes to independence rules in the 2018 Yellow Book
- Recognize the ethical principles in GAGAS