Common Deficiencies in Employee Benefit Plans
Discover critical insights from the latest Department of Labor studies on employee benefit plan audits and tackle the pressing issue of audit deficiencies head-on. This course dives deep into the most common errors undermining audit quality and explores the underlying causes of these issues.
Through practical strategies, engaging case studies, and regulatory guidance, participants will learn how to close gaps in compliance, enhance audit execution, and protect plan participants and beneficiaries. Whether you're an experienced auditor or new to benefit plan audits, this course will equip you with the tools needed to elevate audit quality and ensure regulatory compliance.
Upon completion of this course, a learner will be able to:
- Recognize the most common errors in employee benefit plan audits as highlighted by recent Department of Labor studies and their implications for audit quality.
- Identify root causes of common deficiencies, consequences, and practical solutions for improvement.
- Identify actionable strategies for improving audit execution, including better planning, documentation, and testing.
- Recognize how peer review processes, specialized training, and regulatory tools can mitigate deficiencies and elevate overall audit quality.